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Aphrodite - Darjeeling green tea, mint, ginger, catnip

Aphrodite - Darjeeling green tea, mint, ginger, catnip

Regular price €9,90
Regular price Sale price €9,90
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The Greek Goddess would have loved this fresh and exotic blend, a delicate love potion with spicy notes that will awaken your senses and taste buds.

Preparation tips:

Hot: Let infuse for 2 to 3 minutes in water at 80°C to 85°C.

Iced: Let it infuse for at least 20 minutes at room temperature. Serve with or without ice as you wish.

Ingredients :

Fr: Darjeeling green tea (59.19%), mint, ginger, catnip, essential oils.
In: Darjeeling green tea (59.19%), mint, ginger, nepita, essential oil.
Co: Darjeeling te verde (59.19%), menta, zengeru, nepita, oliu essenziale.

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